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dawn sky

BBC 6 Minute English

2014年11月2日 星期日

condo, condom, condominium

第一次看到 condo 這個字, 只想到 condom (避孕套, 保險套) ,
不過見了幾次後, 從上下文(context) 猜到這個字與房屋有關

""" ...
Condo-Buying Walkthrough: Introduction | Investopedia
Condos for Sale in Toronto (GTA) | Real Estate
Singapore Condo ☆ Browse for Singapore real estates and get detailed information on condo for sale and rent at PropertyGuru.
... """

//=== http://asia.nikkei.com/print/article/48233
""" ...
the latest crop of emigrants is from the top of the economic pyramid.
Instead of scraping by with jobs at Chinese restaurants and dry cleaners like their predecessors, they are buying castles in France and upscale 'condos' in New York.
... """

condo 不會是豪宅吧? 
condo 是 condominium 的簡寫

condo /'kan do/
condominium /kando 'mini.m/

字首(prefix) con, 難道是集合住宅?

//=== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condominium
""" ... 
A condominium, or condo, is the form of housing 'tenure' and other real property
... (usually of an apartment house) is individually owned.

access to common facilities in the piece such as hallways, heating system, elevators, and exterior areas are executed under legal rights associated with the individual ownership

In Australia, New Zealand, and ..., it is referred to as "strata title."
In Quebec, the term "divided co-property" (French: propriete divis) is used,
although the colloquial name remains "condominium."

... """

從 wikipedia 的解釋看來, 似乎是指社區型公寓, 除了各住戶的房間外, 有些
公用的設施 -- 電梯, 中庭, 樓梯間, 走道, 中央空調, 水塔, ...

所以 apartment 與 condo 的不同就在於有無公共空間?
apartment 代表小型公寓 ?  condo 規模比較大?

--- 非也!!!

看了icebearpapa 的部落格貼文(Post) 才發現自己理解錯誤
原來差別在 '所有權'

I have a condo/an apartment. --> 擁有一戶公寓
I live in a condo. --> 擁有一戶公寓並住在裡面
I live in an apartment. --> 住在一戶公寓裡, 可能是分租/租整戶/或者買的

反過來說, 如果我在大都市的某社區大樓裡租了一間小套房(a studio apartment)
就不該說  I live in a condo.
而應講 I live in an apartment.


Living in a big city, renting a small studio apartment on the 4th floor of a high-rise building,
sitting on the couchbed, TV murmuring, Zisan has his microwaved dinner box from 7-11
around a strange corner ---  traffic signal flashing red green or yellow?


//=== http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/whm/intro-to-web-hosting/difference-between-shared-vps-dedicated-hosting

shared hosting --> apartment complex

vps hosting --> condo (condominium)

Apartment living to Condo living
--> Upgrading from Shared to VPS Hosting

Condo Living to Single Family Home Living
-->  Upgrading from VPS Hosting to Dedicated Hosting

2014年9月14日 星期日

捷運英文 encumbered

捷運電梯門口標示著 優先搭乘 (Please give way):

  • 輪椅     :  the disabled
  • 娃娃車 :  parents wtih children
  • 孕婦     :  pregnant women
  • 年長者 :  the elderly
  • 行李     :  encumbered passengers

Yield your seat to the elderly.

博愛座  :  priority seats ,  直接翻就是 "優先座"

沒有印象的是 encumbered 這個字
第一眼看到 只有先想到 cucumber (黃瓜)

上網查encumber 才發現是 "使負重擔/阻礙"的意思

vt. encumber
to put a heavy load on, to hinder, to impede

The high government debt encumbers the country such that its economic growth becomes stagnate.
The country is encumbered with high government debt ...

adj. encumbered
loaded to excess, impeded by a heavy load, heavy-laden,

用 google 搜尋 "encumbered + 勞苦擔重擔者"

" ... Second, we are purged by his
sanctification in such a way that we are besieged by many vices and much weakness so
long as we are encumbered with our body. Thus it comes about that, far removed from
perfection, we must move steadily forward, and though entangled in vices, daily fight
against them.  ...

"... Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  ..."



小黃瓜的英文 --> mini cucumber ? Japanese cucumber ?

2014年5月5日 星期一

Harden expected, 黑天鵝與莫非

季後賽(playoff, postseason) 前的調查, 超過七成的專家以及多數的評論都認為
火箭隊(Rocket)能夠擊敗拓荒者隊(Trail Blazer) 晉級第二輪 ...

關鍵第六戰 , 最後0.9秒 球權回到拓荒者隊 ,
Damian Lillard 的壓哨三分球(buzzer-beating three-pointer) 擊沉了火箭升空的夢想 ,
這算是 黑天鵝事件嗎 (Black swan event) ?
應該不算,  Damian Lillard 是NBA菜鳥球季(freshman/rookie season)
三分球紀錄的保持人 ,  2012-2013 NBA球季 投進185個三分球, 此外也是當年的新人王
(rookie of the year), 得分超過1500分, 助攻超過500次 ...
不過這有點 事後諸葛/馬後炮 (hindsight, knew-it-all-along), 畢竟沒人?會料到最後的0.9秒
初入NBA第二個球季(sophomore)的新人能夠像大嘴Reggie Miller 執行絕殺!

也許火箭教頭Kevin McHale有想到要防範這個最糟的情況(the worst case) , 才會讓身高206cm的前鋒 Chandler Parsons  去防守 191cm 的後衛  Damian Lillard , 如此說來, 這算是莫非定律(Murphy's Law)嗎?

也許火箭升空受阻 要歸咎到第一戰與第二戰 James Harden 失常? 或者該說 Harden在季後賽的正常表現 一如之前在雷霆隊時的季後賽 --  as unstable as expected ? 其實Harden的得分還是不少, 今年季後賽最低17分, 最高37分, 但命中率/穩定性/得分與持球時間比 ...

So, Rocket needs hardening as Harden does.

*** SSL needs hardening as well, see the warning about the insecure implementation of SSL on some versions of PHP.






Something should not happened did happen
something unexpected did happen
something unexpected will still happen indeed

After something unexpected had happened :
something should occur occurred
something expected occurred
something expected will still occur sometime, timely or not

It is kind of accepting, adapting, self-cheating or hardening?


TEDTalks (video)