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BBC 6 Minute English

2009年5月31日 星期日

俳句 Haiku

俳句(發音 排句) Haiku
字數精簡、不用典、不強調韻的日本詩句, 起源於15世紀, 年代比唐詩、宋詞晚,卻是歐美最普及的東方詩歌

"A twaiku is a haiku posted on Twitter, a messaging / microblogging tool. With its limit of 140 characters per entry, Twitter is an ideal environment for the brevity of haiku."

[href] http://twitter.pbworks.com/Twaiku-(haiku-written-in-twitter)

2009年5月20日 星期三

Aging and aged

Not only the aged but also everybody is always aging.

We are always changing as at least we are always aging following the one-way nature of time.

  • aging: 老化的過程
  • the aged: 老人們
"Aging is the process of growing older, a process that includes physical changes and, sometimes, mental changes. 'The aged' refers to elderly people, those who have reached an advanced age."

[ref] http://www.enotes.com/nursing-encyclopedia/aging-aged

bright and blight

bright: shining, luminous, brilliant
blight: wither, plague

  • Getting lost in love blights her and deprives her bright sunshine smile.
  • Light brights her face, but lightness blights her mind.

2009年5月19日 星期二

call to order

call to order:
(meeting/ceremony) open formally,
usually listed on the very beginning of an agenda.

[直譯] 會議正式開始

大會開始 全體肅立

[Q] 禮成的英文?
[Q] 禮畢的英文?

2009年5月18日 星期一


montessori /m,ɑntəs'ɔri/

"Maria Montesorri:
Italian educator who developed a method of teaching mentally handicapped children and advocated a child-centered approach (1870-1952)"

瑪麗亞 蒙特梭利:
義大利教育家 主張以兒童為中心的教育方式

[ref] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/montessori

2009年5月7日 星期四

Derby 賽馬

Kentucky Derby horse race

The Kentucky Derby is a Grade I stakes race for three year-old thoroughbred horses, held annually in Louisville, Kentucky, on the first Saturday in May, capping the two-week-long Kentucky Derby

Location: Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Inaugurated: 1875

[ref] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentucky_Derby


線段: line segment
射線: ray, half-line

X射線: X-ray

[ref] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_(geometry)

2009年5月6日 星期三


髮剪: hair clipper, hair trimmer, hair cutter, hair scissors
電動髮剪: electric hair trimmer

防水電動髮剪: water-proof electric hair clipper

[Q] How to cut your own hair?
[try] http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Cut-Your-Own-Hair/

2009年5月2日 星期六

手札 手稿 雜記

手札: a personal letter, a personal note
手稿: autograph, manuscript, draft

雜記: Random note, miscellany, miscellany, scattered note, dispersive note, disconnected note

jotting: a hurried brief note, a short hand-written note

TEDTalks (video)