前陣子新聞報導南投某鄉鎮種植鳳梨 用生雞糞施肥
結果引來大批蒼蠅 ...
恰巧這幾天聽TED Talk 發現 dung beetle [3] 這篇演講...
所以收集了一些'糞'的相關字 :
dung, poo, poop, shit,
manure,excrement, defecation
compost : 堆肥
maure: 糞肥
ferment: 發酵
dung beetle 就是'屎殼螂'/蜣螂/屎殼蟲? 與蟑螂(cockroach)有何不同呢?[5,6]
dung beetle 把收集到的 '材料' 做成球狀 就是dung ball
方便推移到 '倉庫' 在推移的過程中 dung beetle
不時的頭下腳上 倒立推行 因為生存的環境是酷熱的沙漠?
避免灼傷 dung beetle 會不斷的變換著地的雙腳 ...?
During pushing forward dung ball to the repository,
the dung beetle swapped the feet from touching dung ball to touching ground
by turning itself upside down to avoid the hot-sand burn ...
" ... Composting without oxygen results in fermentation. ..." [1]
意思就是說 無氧堆肥就自然成了發酵 ?
"... Is it okay to use dried chicken manure in the garden without it going through some sort of composting procedure first?
It depends on how old your chicken manure is.
Fresh chicken poop is very high in nitrogen and
will burn plants...." [2]
"... 基肥較不推薦使用雞糞,因為它氮含量較高切有機質含量較低,會影響植株初期生長。特別是生雞糞(指未發酵者)施用後易生雜菌且會持續發酵生
..." [4]
1. http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/compost/fundamentals/biology_anaerobic.htm
3. http://www.ted.com/talks/marcus_byrne_the_dance_of_the_dung_beetle.html
4. http://kmweb.coa.gov.tw/knowledge/knowledge_cp.aspx?ArticleId=751206&ArticleType=A&CategoryId=A&kpi=0
6. http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1010032604368
7. 屎殼螂戴花 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/bird2100/post/1323184427