///== patient, patience
patient /p'ei sh.nt/ 當名詞(n) 指病患, 當形容詞(adj) 指有耐心的
outpatient /'aut -/ 門診病患
inpatient /'in-/ 住院病患
impatient /im p'ei sh.nt/ (adj) 沒耐心的
inpatient (n) 重音在第一音節
impatient (adj) 重音在第二音節
重音轉換顯現實用的目的 ...
The impatient outpatient went to the clinic , became an inpatient later
and finally lost all his patience to death.
//=== ward 可以指病房
//=== let
let it be
dawn sky
BBC 6 Minute English
2011年7月1日 星期五
unintention and inattention
Increasingly, it's the chief financial officer (CFO) who has direct oversight of the IT department and IT-related spending, but it turns out the CFO has a low opinion of the CIO and the entire IT group.
CIO wannabees told to think outside the box
越來越多的公司 由財務長(CFO)直轄資訊長(CIO) 也就是資訊部門的經費/預算
是由財務長說了算 不過調查顯示 財務長對所轄資訊部門及資訊長CIO的績效
評價不高 ...
想成為資訊長的人 三思? ...
inattention : lack of attention, carelessness, 沒注意, 不小心
"Inattention is one of the aspects of ADHD that sometimes goes unnoticed."
"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and developmental disorder."
The agent made a mistake with intentional inattention to gain extra commission.
The programmer made an unintentional mistake due to inattention
which leads to the malfunction of applications and the afterward
punishment from his overseeing director.
Increasingly, it's the chief financial officer (CFO) who has direct oversight of the IT department and IT-related spending, but it turns out the CFO has a low opinion of the CIO and the entire IT group.
CIO wannabees told to think outside the box
越來越多的公司 由財務長(CFO)直轄資訊長(CIO) 也就是資訊部門的經費/預算
是由財務長說了算 不過調查顯示 財務長對所轄資訊部門及資訊長CIO的績效
評價不高 ...
想成為資訊長的人 三思? ...
//=== oversight 這個字有多重意義: 勘漏, 督導, 失察, 分權, ...
- uninentional omission ? 失察
- supervision
- separation of power
//=== wannabe
wannabe : slang for "want to be"
wannabe : slang for "want to be"
貶意, 有點畫虎類犬的意思
unintention : 無意, 不是故意inattention : lack of attention, carelessness, 沒注意, 不小心
"Inattention is one of the aspects of ADHD that sometimes goes unnoticed."
"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and developmental disorder."
The agent made a mistake with intentional inattention to gain extra commission.
The programmer made an unintentional mistake due to inattention
which leads to the malfunction of applications and the afterward
punishment from his overseeing director.
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