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dawn sky

BBC 6 Minute English

2015年1月8日 星期四

unanimous 與記名投票

//=== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B14
""" ... the working draft, N3936, was published March 2, 2014,
the final ballot period closed on August 15, 2014,
and the results (unanimous approval) were announced on August 18.
... """

第一次看到這段話 以為 unanimous === un-animous === not anonymous
--> unanimous approval 可能指 記名投票表決通過
--> 大錯特錯 !

網搜才發現 unanimous 的發音是 /ju n'ae n.m.s/ 而非 /.n 'ae n.m.s/
意思則為 "無異議的, 全體一致的, ... "
unanimous approval 就是無異議通過, 與記名/匿名無關.

近日議長選舉的新聞頗熱 小瑛要求民進黨議員亮票 ...

那麼 記名投票 與 匿名投票 的英文怎麼說呢?

""" ...
Change is coming.china is already having secret ballot and
competitive elections at the local level.
... """

記名投票: open ballot/registered ballot?/disclosed ballot?
匿名投票: secret ballot
亮票: to disclose the ballot

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