repression /ri pr'e sh.n/ 壓抑 抑制
regression /ri gr'e sh.n/ 迴歸
During the economic recssion caused by the world-wide financial crisis,
the poor man's little desire had gone under extreme repression which led
to the regressive depression of his later life.
『... Repression is the unconscious hiding of uncomfortable thoughts.
公視 瑰寶1949
劇情中 香君 因無法承受某種痛苦 選擇性的遺忘了年輕時
在南京及渡海來台之初的一段歲月 。。。
The actress shows typical repressed memory syndrome which is sometimes
accompanied by false memory syndrom to cover the lost/hidden part of the
painful times.
公視 瑰寶1949
瑰寶1949 主題曲 MV