2009年12月30日 星期三

2009年12月27日 星期日


pupil: 瞳孔, 學生

This little pupil has a pair of round and deep pupils.

a pair of glasses


restrict, constrict, confine, bound

restrict: limit, restrain oneself from sth -> sb abstain from sth

constrict: limit, inhibit, -> confine sb to a certain region

bound: (polymorphism)
0. (pt/pp)(past tense/past participle) of bind
1. (n) boundary, limit
2. (a) be bound to some place, be ready for sth
3. (v) jump, bounce, reflect back

bind, bound, boundary

2009年12月21日 星期一

catch on and march on

catch on: 理解; 找到工作; 學會做事; 投合人心
sth catches on : sth becomes popular or fashionable

"Trade-Off: Why Some Things Catch On, and Others Don’t"

march on :


2009年12月19日 星期六

Besides, Moreover, Furthermore

besides: (adv) 何況 況且
moreover: 此外
furthermore == moreover

what's more == besides

"moreover" is a more general term than "besides",
"besides" should be used in certain confined context in more precise way than moreover.

beside and besides
beside 只能當介系詞(preposition)

besides 可以當介系詞也可以當副詞(adverb)
(prep) : 除了... 之外
(adv): 何況 況且

2009年12月17日 星期四

Xmas Eve, New Year's Eve

??? X'mas

Christmas Eve
??? Christmas's Eve

New Year's Eve
Old Year's Night

Date of observance
  • observe
  • observation
  • observance

" ... Xmas的X的起源並不是英文的X,而是希臘文的X。希臘文的「基督」為Xristos。

... 而mas是mass,也就是彌撒(天主教會的聖餐)的意思。



2009年12月16日 星期三

The religious left and the left religious

The religious left: the leftists who are religious (who have religion)

The left religious: the religious who are leftists(who belong to the left politically)

The religious left == The left religious ???

2009年12月15日 星期二

Esther and Thomas

Esther 與Thomas 的 th 發音都是 /t/ 而非/θ/

theater/θi.t.r/ 在德文的發音也變成/t3 'at.r/

2009年12月12日 星期六





brave, blaze, and lazy --> brazen

elite, Pelosi, constituent 的重音

下午參加Eng. StudyGroup

elite, Pelosi, constituent的重音都在第二音節
constituent的發音有點像"康似 '提 取恩t"

constitute, epoch, pious, Protestant /'pratist.nt/ 的重音都在第一音節

The pious hope of happiness supports me to live through
the sad loneliness or the lonely sadness which is now a constituent of my soul.

Houston /hjust.n/
House /haus/

sea change: dramatic change, 滄海桑田
how about "earth change", "sky change"???
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust

a kitchen-cum-dining room

the religious left or the left religious???
the religious left == the religious leftists ?

2009年12月10日 星期四

"Ped" prefix or suffix

ped, pod : related with foot

pedestrian (n)(a)
pedlar:(v) 沿街叫賣 (n) 攤販
peddle (v)
pedometer: 計步器

centipede, millipede: 節肢動物


2009年12月9日 星期三

Just my 2 cents

從老友的email 學來的片語, for showing politeness and humility
中文可譯為 "個人的一點淺見"

If you don't put your two cents in, how can you get change?
若不表達意見 如何能促進變革?

發表個人的一點淺見 == to put in my two pennies worth ==
to put in my tuppence worth== to put my two cents in

A Penny for Your Thoughts?


今天在華視的空中英語教室Studio Classroom學到的片語

on the team, 介系詞用on 不是用in

team up with sb

team player


2009年12月5日 星期六

celestial 的發音

下午參加Tapiei101 StudyGroup

討論 celestial 中 "tial" 的發音
聯想到 initial中 "tial" 的發音
個人的印象及感覺 s+tial 若發 /s-sch-l/ 十分抝口
應該轉音發 /s -tsch-l/
也就是此時 "tial" 的發音 變成像actual中的"tual"的發音

//=== 還有以下這些字的重音:
apotheosis : 第四音節 os

apolitical : 第三音節 li- [tic 的前一個音節]
politics:第一音節 po /pa/
politician: : 第三音節 ti- [cian 的前一個音節]
political: : 第二音節 li- [tic 的前一個音節]

apocalypse : 第二音節 poc
apocalyptic : 第四音節 lyp- [tic 的前一個音節]

analyst: 第一音節 an
analysis : 第二音節 nal
analytic : 第三音節 ly- [tic 的前一個音節]

bureau : 第一音節 bu
bureaucrat: 第一音節 bu
bureaucracy: 第二音節 reau /ra/
bureaucratic: 第三音節 cra- [tic 的前一個音節]

epoch : 第一音節 ep, /3p.k/ /i:p.k/
epochal :第一音節 /3p.k.l/

天籟== celestial sound ?
天香國色== celestial beauty ?

//=== 還學到
alter ego

grade school == elementary school != gradudate institue

胡適托風波的"胡適托" 指的是 Woodstock

2009年11月29日 星期日


電腦介面卡的插槽:slot, expansion slot(擴充槽)

介面卡: interface card, expansion card(擴充卡)

2009年11月26日 星期四

cervical cancer screening

cervical cancer screening :子宮頸癌篩檢

cervix: 子宮頸 頸子 ?頸狀物

cervix and neck

原則 規則 原理 圓規 規矩

principle: 原理, 原則
principle of uncertainty: 測不準原理

as a matter of principle: 原則問題 , 依原則來說
a man of principle: 有原則的人

rule: 規則, 規矩
ruler: 尺
圓規:compass -> 羅盤

What's the difference between principle and rule?

Principle comes from reasoning but
Rule comes from powering

2009年11月4日 星期三

Do you have the time?

看公視大家說英語 又學到一句
Do you have the time?
=== Do you know what time it is?
=== ?Do you have the clock?

Do you have the time? != Do you have time?
Do you have time to talk with me? 妳有空和我說話嗎?

2009年10月27日 星期二


advance payment
initial payment(頭期款)
down payment?


deposit, deposite, earnest, subscription

subscription == 訂金(取消訂單 還可以退回?)
earnest == earnest money == 定金(取消訂單 就要被沒收?)
deposite? == 保證金


2009年10月24日 星期六



"You made the commitment"
"Live for nothing or die for something!"

2009年10月7日 星期三

May I take a message?

早上看公視大家說英語 學到這句

May I take a message?

翻做 "你要留言嗎?"


2009年10月6日 星期二


電腦當機的英文不是down gi !
電腦當機 == Computer crash

shutdown computer == 關機
power on : 打開電源
power off : 關掉電源

2009年9月30日 星期三

電阻 電容 電感: -ance

resistance, conductance: conductance = 1/resistance for "pure resistor"(passive load).
capacitance, inductance
capacitor, inductor
capacitive, inductive

impedance = resistance + j*reactance
Z= R + jX
阻抗= 電阻 + 電抗

admittance= conductance + j*susceptance
Y= G + jB
導納= 電導 + 電納

"The phase of the complex impedance is the phase shift by which the current is ahead of the voltage."


2009年9月7日 星期一

steal , stolen 的用法

I was stolen NT$100 by a thief.

A thief stole NT$100 from me. --> steal sth from sb.

A robber robbed me of NT$100. --> rob sb of sth

我家被偷了 該怎麼講呢?
xxx My house was stolen xxx --> it's impossibe to steal a house
A thief ran into my house yesterday and stole NT$500.
A theft happened to my house yesterday???

steal a base : 盜壘


在捷運月台上學到這個單字 alight : 下車

  • 着火, A cigarette set the forest alight.
  • 容光煥發
  • 鳥或昆蟲 降落/飛落
  • 從公共汽車/火車下來,
    • Do not alight from a moving bus.
    • Aboard after alight(先下後上)

2009年9月3日 星期四



flubdub : pretentious nonsense; bunkum

bunkum: empty talk, insincere talk
空話 河漢空言 托辭 應付 隨口說說
bunkum == claptrap

pretentious : making an extravagant show; ostentatious; showy
誇張的 浮誇的 表面的 ; 想惹人注目的

2009年8月23日 星期日

often, listen and list

often : 美國人 t 不發音 英國人 t發音
listen: t 不發音

list -> listen

list 除了表列之外 也有傾聽, 傾斜之意

"... List while I woo thee with soft melody." [取自 和孩子一起歡唱的50首英語歌曲, 長瀨莊一]


2009年8月20日 星期四

woo, wo, woe

woo /wu/ : 求愛(court) , 熱烈的追求(solicit, entreat) , 死纏爛打( importune)

wo == woe 音握
(n) 悲傷(grief) 不幸(misfortune) 苦難(misery) ;深度憂鬱
example: economic woes, typhoon woes

woeful (a)

2009年8月15日 星期六

Rent apartment

看公視大家說英語 學到:

BR: bedroom
W/D: washer/dryer
NS/NP: no smoking / no pets

INCL: include

util. incl. : 房租含水電




pay off


差異處: ?

2009年8月13日 星期四

doggy, puppy, pony,

小狗 小馬 小兔
doggy, pony, ?

幼獸 cub

"go round" and "go around"

  • go round:
    Money makes the world go round.

  • go around:
    1. During the typhoon, it's lucky to have enough food to go around.
    2. The doggy went around me when i enter the restaurant.
    3. The rumors about the actress are going around the entertainment circle.


mosquito coil ?
mosquito repellant ?
mosquito repelling incense?

2009年8月8日 星期六

Penny and Pence

One penny save is one penny earn.

xxx One pence xxx

"pence" is a plural form of penny used primarily in UK.

Therer two plural forms of penny : pennies and pence.

In UK, one penny is a coin worth 1/100 pound while it is worth 1/100 dollar in USA.

2009年7月22日 星期三



fruit juicer

lemon squeezer (檸檬鉗?)

正取 備取的英文?

正取 : on the primary list?
備取: on the secondary list?

on the bench?

2009年7月20日 星期一

凍傷 燙傷 傷口

凍傷 : (n) frostbite, cold injury ?

凍傷的 (a) frostbitten, frozen, frosted

燙傷: (n) burn, scald, hot injury?
(a) scalded/burned/burnt/charred scalding,

傷口: (n) a cut, a wound

傷口痛: my wound really hurts

戳傷: stab wound?
刺傷: spur wound? stick wound?

got x , x == scratched, injured, wounded, burned, cut, ...

scratched : 抓傷, 磨傷
cut: 割傷或小破皮
injured: 比較嚴重的傷


2009年7月18日 星期六

gorgeous, outrageous, courageous

outrageous : 情緒失控的 行為失常的 違背道德規範的 駭俗的
gorgeous: 華麗的 光彩奪目的 閃亮的 歡樂的


The outrageous affair between Yang and his aunt become a gorgeous story because of their sincere and courageous love.

2009年7月17日 星期五


[Q] 讀書會的英文?

  • Reading Club
  • Study Group

[Q] 朗讀會的英文

  • Reading Aloud Club


[Q] 揪團的英文?

call for a group
hold an activity

2009年7月7日 星期二

Murphy' Law , Handy's Law and 3H's Law

Murphy' Law :
-1. If anything can go wrong, it will.
0. If something can go wrong, it will.
1. Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
2. Every solution breeds new problems.
3. It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
4. When it rains, it pours. If you're feeling good, don't worry. You'll get over it
5. When things just can’t get any worse, they will.

真是有夠背! It's really Murphy's Law.

Handy's Law: (Charles Handy)
0. The world is full of opportunity.
2. Believe in yourself continuously.
3. Anything is possible.
4. Treat yourself sincerely.
5. Don't spend time to become someone else, especially the one you don't like.
6. Don't let others control you.

3H's Law:
0. Something is possible
1. Treat yourself kindly.
2. Believe and double anyone.
3. Spend time and money when you enjoy.
4. Save time and money when you suffer.



2009年7月3日 星期五


相親 == blind date -> 盲目的約會




palette and pallet

palette : 調色板

pallet: pal-let 小的床/床墊 /調色板

wallet: 皮包 旅行袋

2009年6月25日 星期四

Ladybug and Carmine

ladybug (n) : 瓢蟲 == ladybird, ladybeetle?
carmine (a, n) : 小桃紅 , a little more red

[related] 螢火蟲 firebug/firefly

[Q] 公瓢蟲的英文?
[try] male ladybug

2009年6月18日 星期四


以下這些名詞的英文 怎麼講?
水槽 sink?


洗臉盆(washing basin, washingbowl? washbowl, washbasin?)

2009年6月6日 星期六

applaud, applause and clap your hand

if you are happy , clap your hand;
if you like my show, don't hesitate to applaude;
if you give me your applause, I 'll be happy.

2009年6月2日 星期二

glum, gloomy, bloomy,


(adj) bloomy , flowery
(n,v) bloom, flower
(n,v) blossom

2009年5月31日 星期日

俳句 Haiku

俳句(發音 排句) Haiku
字數精簡、不用典、不強調韻的日本詩句, 起源於15世紀, 年代比唐詩、宋詞晚,卻是歐美最普及的東方詩歌

"A twaiku is a haiku posted on Twitter, a messaging / microblogging tool. With its limit of 140 characters per entry, Twitter is an ideal environment for the brevity of haiku."

[href] http://twitter.pbworks.com/Twaiku-(haiku-written-in-twitter)

2009年5月20日 星期三

Aging and aged

Not only the aged but also everybody is always aging.

We are always changing as at least we are always aging following the one-way nature of time.

  • aging: 老化的過程
  • the aged: 老人們
"Aging is the process of growing older, a process that includes physical changes and, sometimes, mental changes. 'The aged' refers to elderly people, those who have reached an advanced age."

[ref] http://www.enotes.com/nursing-encyclopedia/aging-aged

bright and blight

bright: shining, luminous, brilliant
blight: wither, plague

  • Getting lost in love blights her and deprives her bright sunshine smile.
  • Light brights her face, but lightness blights her mind.

2009年5月19日 星期二

call to order

call to order:
(meeting/ceremony) open formally,
usually listed on the very beginning of an agenda.

[直譯] 會議正式開始

大會開始 全體肅立

[Q] 禮成的英文?
[Q] 禮畢的英文?

2009年5月18日 星期一


montessori /m,ɑntəs'ɔri/

"Maria Montesorri:
Italian educator who developed a method of teaching mentally handicapped children and advocated a child-centered approach (1870-1952)"

瑪麗亞 蒙特梭利:
義大利教育家 主張以兒童為中心的教育方式

[ref] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/montessori

2009年5月7日 星期四

Derby 賽馬

Kentucky Derby horse race

The Kentucky Derby is a Grade I stakes race for three year-old thoroughbred horses, held annually in Louisville, Kentucky, on the first Saturday in May, capping the two-week-long Kentucky Derby

Location: Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Inaugurated: 1875

[ref] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentucky_Derby


線段: line segment
射線: ray, half-line

X射線: X-ray

[ref] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_(geometry)

2009年5月6日 星期三


髮剪: hair clipper, hair trimmer, hair cutter, hair scissors
電動髮剪: electric hair trimmer

防水電動髮剪: water-proof electric hair clipper

[Q] How to cut your own hair?
[try] http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Cut-Your-Own-Hair/

2009年5月2日 星期六

手札 手稿 雜記

手札: a personal letter, a personal note
手稿: autograph, manuscript, draft

雜記: Random note, miscellany, miscellany, scattered note, dispersive note, disconnected note

jotting: a hurried brief note, a short hand-written note

2009年4月27日 星期一


bullion: 金塊/銀塊/金條/銀條

[related terms] 金本位, Fed Reserve, 中國崛起, 黃金, 外匯


[直譯] 牛棚
[意譯] 棒球比賽中投手休息/熱身的區域 

2009年4月26日 星期日


「伸卡」從日本話的外來語而來 (英語的Sink)
王建民的伸卡球速度可達150km/hr, 英語稱 Sinking Fastball, 譯做快速下墜球似乎較伸卡球為宜

[ref] http://blog.nownews.com/alexandros/textview.php?file=0000028280


豬流感: swine flu, pig flu

禽流感: bird flu == Avian Influenza

flu= influenza

2009年4月22日 星期三


vault: 窖, 防空洞? , arched architecture, 拱型結構?

BitDefender Internet Security 2009 supports
"File Vault" which securely stores personal information or sensitive files
and is not provided in BitDefender AntiVirus 2009

2009年4月19日 星期日


tendency == trend
tendency == inclination

tendency : 趨勢 傾向

internet tendency
wind tendency
bleeding tendency: a kind of disease
growing tendency
Militant tendency: 英國勞工黨內的馬克思連線

2009年4月3日 星期五

WordNet at Princeton

http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ "... WordNet® is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller.
The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser.

WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download.

WordNet's structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing. ..."


貼水, 酬庸, 獎勵, 仲介費 == commission fee?

issue of bonds at a premium 溢價發行債券

premium rebate 保險費回扣

risk premium, riskpremium
historical "equity risk premium"

[ref] http://cn.wordmind.com/ecmaster-cgi/Csearch.cgi?kwd=premium&bool=and&word=im


(n.) a kind of pillow(long pillow)

(v.) support, maintain with unusual effort

Taiwan government has designated 2009 as the year for bolstering its special partnership with Japan.

...tend to bolster investor confidence to invest in these local markets.


2009年3月25日 星期三


a goat going astray at a fork in the road;
lost in the diverse directions along the life road;



fastidious and demanding but inept
龜毛挑剔 要求東要求西 但是 不適用/無能/格格不入

2009年3月23日 星期一


What's wrong with you?
What's the hell with you?

What's your problem?
What's your question?

沒甚麼 只是覺得跟這世界格格不入
Nothing but feel strangely incompatible with the odd world.

2009年3月19日 星期四


furlough /'f3lo/
n. 休假 輪休 外散
v. 准予休假 解雇 裁員

unpaid holidays, unpaid furloughs

NEW YORK Gannett is implementing a long-rumored furlough(休假) program that wil require most U.S. employees to take a week off without pay.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger sued the state's Democratic controller Monday, trying to force furloughs(裁員) for 15,000 more government workers to address California's $42 billion deficit

[ref] http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003930013

[ref] http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2009/02/10/america/California-Furloughs.php

[ref] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/furlough

2009年3月17日 星期二

bankroll and rice roll

bankroll: to provide money like bank

rice roll: 飯糰?

rice noodle roll: 粵菜 (豬)腸粉

rice roll
rice ball
rice and vegetable roll

"rice ball: is a food made from white rice formed into triangular or oval shape and often wrapped in nori (edible "seaweed")..." [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onigiri]

"How to cook sushi rice roll recipe ..."[www.sunwukong.cn/food_and_beverage/others]
"The sky of "imperial rice roll". 在『↗§御飯糰§↙』的天空中"

貢丸 肉丸 meat ball,

2009年3月15日 星期日

depreciate, devaluate, devalue, undervalue

The depreciated LCD stock was undervalued. Now its price is bouncing back.

2009年3月14日 星期六

guilty plea

guilty plea 認罪
plead guilty

plea bargain 認罪協商?

"... Wu Shu-chen’s guilty plea in the Nankang Case is merely a legal ploy to help Chen Chih-chung in his plea bargain."

"Madoff's Bail Revoked After Guilty Pleas to All Charges"
[Breaking News Alert, The New York Times, Thursday, March 12, 2009]

"Deciding to plead guilty is a difficult decision. Pleading guilty means that you are giving up your right to a trial ...

It means that you are putting yourself at the mercy of the court to decide your fate."

2009年3月12日 星期四

deductible and out-of-pocket

deductible : (n) 自付額
out-of-pocket: 自掏腰包的

xxx deductible == out-of-pocket cost??

國民年金 健保 勞保 除政府支付部份外 民眾還需另外繳交保費(即自付額)

to evaluate the amount of out-of-pocket payment for health care
under the NHI(national health insurance)
out-of-pocket payment : 就醫自費負擔

out-of-pocket expenses. (為職務或他人)暫墊費用


electric current: 電流

current liability: 流動負債 當期負債
current asset: 流動資產 當期資產

current trend: 時下流行 當前趨勢

currency: 流通, 貨幣

deprecate, depredate, depreciate

deprecate 表明強烈不贊成 反對
deprecated: 不合時宜的 過氣的

depreciation 貶抑 貶值

depredate 掠奪 蹂躪

2009年3月10日 星期二

pledge, 2009.03.10

pledge: (n,v) 許諾 允諾 訴求 發誓

pledge for
pledge to

An election pledge that is better than promised

A Pledge to Seek Peace
Pledge for Peace

Ma's pledge to seek peace with China.

Ma's election pledge to increase per capita income

國民平均所得 per capita income

per capita income == income per capita

Ma's election pledge to increase per capita income up to US$30,000 may fail?

[ref] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per_capita_income
Per capita income means how much each individual receives, in monetary terms, of the yearly income generated in the country.

新興市場 emerging market

新興市場: emerging market
rising market

The growing GDP of the developing countries is the foundation of the emerging market.

2009年3月9日 星期一

無薪假 unpaid holidays

He said austerity holidays and unpaid holidays should be enacted.

austerity: 極盡簡樸 刻苦; Plainness; freedom from adornment; severe simplicity.

[ref] http://www.mvarietynews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15127:house-fails-to-override-budget-bill-veto&catid=1:local-news&Itemid=2

[ref] http://cdict.net/?q=austerity

預算案 budget bill

//=== http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7900105.stm
California approves budget bill
California's state assembly approves a budget package that aims to close a $42bn
deficit by raising taxes and cutting spending.

//=== http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSN1854751420071219
Senate passes budget bill with Iraq money ...

//=== http://www.space.com/news/bush_veto_040723.html
White House Threatens to Veto Budget Bill Over NASA Cuts

//=== http://www.mvarietynews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15127:house-fails-to-override-budget-bill-veto&catid=1:local-news&Itemid=2
House Fails To Override Budget Bill Veto

".... voted against to override the Gov's veto budget bill. His action speak tons of volume ...

THE House of Representatives failed yesterday to muster 14 votes needed to override Gov. Benigno R. Fitial’s veto of the $148 million fiscal year 2009 budget bill.

The vote was 12 to 6 with 1 abstention.

The administration said it was pleased with the result of the vote and urged the Legislature to adopt cost-cutting measures.

2009年3月8日 星期日

installment and layaway

installment 與 layaway 均指分期付款

2009年3月6日 星期五

放高利貸者, 錢鯊

放高利貸者: loan shark




xxx 人錢鯊
xxx 錢人鯊


pay in 12 installments : 分12期付款
pay in monthly installments : 按月分期付款
pay in 12 monthly installments : 12個月分期付款

It is possible for the University to pay 9-month faculty salaries in 12 equal monthly payments to those full-time faculty members

"... the ratio of initial installment of payment and interest rate shall be raised as the number of homes increases ..."

2009年3月5日 星期四

芭樂票 rubber check

芭樂票 == rubber check
A rubber check is a bad check which cannot be cashed.

If your check bounced, your credit record would be broken.

2009年3月4日 星期三

default and fault

default: (商業用語) 違約; (電腦用語) 預設值(未處理/未指定時 所採用者)

It is my fault to default on the loan agreement.

mature and expire

mature: (v, a)

maturity:  到期
expiration: 斷氣 期滿 呼氣 過期

Expiration is only one step away from maturity.

Your CD(Certificate of deposit) will be mature on next Monday.

mature== ripe , (v,a)
A ripe peach is delicious.

2009年3月1日 星期日

credit line and dead line

credit line and dead line

credit line == credit limit

If you spend much more than your credit line,
then you are getting nearer to your dead line.

Hairy lips

[Q] What's the meaning of "Hairy lips sink ships"(Title of PIMCO Investment Outlook 2009 March)?

2009年2月27日 星期五

bottom line/ bottom-line

bottom line benefits

bottom line: 底線, 決定性時刻, 關鍵點

the line that shows profit or loss
the decisive point

[ref] http://cdict.net/?q=bottom+line

2009年2月25日 星期三

抵押品 Mortgage or Collateral?

抵押品 Mortgage or Collateral? --> 通常用 collateral
What's the difference between mortgage and collateral?

*** mortgage 當名詞時 通常指房貸
fixed-rate mortgage 固定利率房貸
mortgage rate 房貸利率
second mortgage 次級房貸??

get a 15-year mortgage == take out a 15-year mortgage == take out a 15-year loan
== 取得15年期的貸款

The house was mortgaged for a 15-year loan.

" ...

A collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) is a financial debt vehicle that was first created in June 1983 by investment banks Salomon Brothers and First Boston for Freddie Mac.

... The mortgages themselves are called the collateral, the bonds are called tranches
... the set of rules that dictates how money received from the collateral will be distributed is called the structure.



bipartisan : 兩黨均支持的, 雙方同意的
Mr. Obama strove to work in a bipartisan way.


ATM: Automated Teller Machine
自動補摺機: Automatic Passbook Update Machine

With technology progress, some modern ATMs support the functions of
passbook update and bill deposit.

2009年2月23日 星期一


0. punch out == 下班打卡(clock out), 擊昏出場(KO punch), KO= knockout= knock-out
1. punch in == 上班打卡(clock in), 鍵盤輸入(key in)
2. one-two punch 連續猛擊 連消帶打
3. punchline 笑話中的梗 引發笑料的關鍵元素

2009年2月20日 星期五


重貼現率, discount rate,

Federal Reserve Bank


鈔票: bill, bank bill, bank note, bankbill?, banknote

帳單: electricity bill, phone bill, water bill, gas bill

美鈔: greenback

2009年2月19日 星期四


存摺: passbook/bankbook

passport: 護照

strike a balance

1. 結算帳目
Some companies strike a balance on the 5th day of each Month.
2. 取得平衡
Try to strike a balance between work and play.



CFL: compact fluorescent lamp, compact fluorescent light, energy-saving lamp
省電燈泡(相對於傳統的白熾燈泡, incandescent light bulb )

CCFL: Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (for LCD backlighting)


2009年2月7日 星期六

foreclosure, foreclosed, foreclose

"... to deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made"
"... to take possession of property bought with borrowed money because repayment has not been made"

因付不出貸款 導致喪失抵押品所有權/贖回權;

n. foreclosure
pt. foreclosed
[ref] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/foreclosed

2009年2月4日 星期三

curb, cap, limit, border, restrain

curb == to impose a cap on == to restrain

U.S. government plans to curb CEO payment for bailout recipients.

to put/impose a cap on the compensation

execute and executive

execute (3kskjut)
executive (igz3kj.tiv)

CEO: chief executive officer
處決謀殺犯 to execute the murderer
判刑 The criminal was sentenced to 10-year imprisonment.

The chief executive officer of the bankrupt bank should be executed.

2009年2月2日 星期一


1. 列印/裝訂的順序
2. 輕食, 簡餐, a light meal, snack
3. 比對, 仔細檢覈核不一致之處
4. 理出頭緒, 理出秩序

"... The gathering and examination of sheets preparatory to binding..."


2009年1月28日 星期三


poop: (in child-speak)
n. feces /f'is,iz/, faeces
[a waste product from an animal's digestive tract expelled through the anus or cloaca...]

v. to defecate.

* pooped out: tired out, exhausted, worn out

* party pooper: a person who spoils the social enjoyment of others, typically by being gloomy; a killjoy. 掃興之人, 破壞氣氛者


sleep tight

sleep tight == sleep well == wish you a nice sleep
== good night == don't let the bedbugs bite

[ref] http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/sleep%20tight.html

2009年1月26日 星期一

leeway, dire credit crunch,

Blue-chip Pfizer was down almost 7% after announcing plans to buy rival Wyeth for $68 billion in cash and stock.

Wyeth shares climbed 2%, while the New York-listed shares of Crucell were down 10% as Wyeth pulled out of talks to buy the Dutch biotech.

However, most market participants focused on the Pfizer deal that did get done – a merger that's been anticipated since rumors of it began circulating last week.

After months of a dire credit crunch, a merger of such magnitude could signal that other industries may have leeway to begin making deals of their own.

2009年1月20日 星期二

piss off

piss : (n,v) 尿
piss off 喝斥走開,滾蛋;惹惱,精疲力竭

How to Piss off a Geek
How to Piss off a Telemarketer
How to piss off credit card companies
How to piss off the salesman

2009年1月16日 星期五

Ponzi scheme, Pyramid scheme

Ponzi scheme is named after Charles Ponzi.
It is re-notorious due to Madoff's scam.

We can also call it "Madoff scheme" after Bernard Madoff, the former chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange, perpetrating what may be the largest investor fraud ever committed.

//=== pyramid scheme
Pyramid scheme is analogous to Ponzi scheme.
Ponzi scheme used primarily in the United States.
Pyramid scheme is a more general term than Ponzi can may be translated into chinese as "老鼠會".

*** perpetrate, phony, fraudulence, fraudulent,
preposterous, siphon, ponzi

"... Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays
returns to investors out of the money paid by subsequent investors


2009年1月12日 星期一


jobless rate
unemployment rate

臨時工, 兼職工作
派遣工作, 契約工作

part-time job,

contract vacancy

emergency medical dispatching jobs?
public safety dispatching jobs?

2009年1月9日 星期五

DGA finalists

DGA: Directors Guild/gild/ of America
公會, 行業協會

DGA Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Feature Film for 2008 are:


[ref] http://carpetbagger.blogs.nytimes.com/?8dpc

suffix -ache

headache 頭痛
stomachache 胃痛
bellyache 肚子痛
boneache 股痛

minddache 心痛

/ae sh/
How about cache? --> read as "cash"

2009年1月8日 星期四

文案 文稿 文章

[Q] 文案 文稿 文章的不同?

[Q] 公文 函稿 簽呈 英文要怎麼講?

2009年1月7日 星期三

truth and truce

truce: 停火 休戰 停戰

Gaza truce: 加薩走廊停火協議

Israel and Hamas

The truth behind the truce is truely truant.


[Q] 桶裝瓦斯的英文怎麼講?

gas 瓦斯 天然氣
natural gas 天然氣
Russia stops natural gas deliveries to Europe via Ukraine.

gasoline 汽油

桶裝瓦斯也就是液化石油氣,英文縮寫為LPG (liquified petroleum gas)
LPG Australia

petroleum 石油
crude oil 原油

food and energy prices increase

LPG also belongs to "food and energy", doesn't it?

2009年1月1日 星期四

stave off

(v) stave off :
to prevent the occurrence of; to prevent from happening;
to keep or hold off; to repel;
to delay (something) for a short time;

to stave off this ultimate threat of war
to stave off the job loss crisis

(n) stave == stanza