2009年3月9日 星期一

預算案 budget bill

//=== http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7900105.stm
California approves budget bill
California's state assembly approves a budget package that aims to close a $42bn
deficit by raising taxes and cutting spending.

//=== http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSN1854751420071219
Senate passes budget bill with Iraq money ...

//=== http://www.space.com/news/bush_veto_040723.html
White House Threatens to Veto Budget Bill Over NASA Cuts

//=== http://www.mvarietynews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15127:house-fails-to-override-budget-bill-veto&catid=1:local-news&Itemid=2
House Fails To Override Budget Bill Veto

".... voted against to override the Gov's veto budget bill. His action speak tons of volume ...

THE House of Representatives failed yesterday to muster 14 votes needed to override Gov. Benigno R. Fitial’s veto of the $148 million fiscal year 2009 budget bill.

The vote was 12 to 6 with 1 abstention.

The administration said it was pleased with the result of the vote and urged the Legislature to adopt cost-cutting measures.

