2013年6月12日 星期三

oblivion and taper

債券天王 B. Gross 在六月份的Investment Outlook 說了一句話
" Kodak, Sears, Barnes & Noble, AOL and countless others have been competed to near oblivion by advancing technology, more focused management, or evolving business models ... "

'competed to near oblivion' 頗有 吳宮花草埋幽俓 晉代衣冠成古丘的味道.
多少昔日的千元股王, 如今都已 '隱沒' (oblivion) 於股海中, 風華難再現.

關於 QE 逐步退場 (taper), 債券天王最近連續發聲 :

"... I don’t think today’s report says anything about tapering at all with unemployment going higher and metrics in terms of  the work week and wages being very dour ... "
[Bloomberg News 2013.06.07]

"...  Fed Will Taper Later This Year, But Not for Obvious Reasons ...

... Lower deficits in Washington mean the Treasury will issue less debt, which could create a shortage of Treasury securities if the Fed continues QE at its current pace. ...

... if the Fed owns all the Treasuries, then there is no market for the bonds. So I think at some point they’d taper if only to permit the rest of us to have a few. ... ”
 [Yahoo Finance 2013.06.10]

人潮錢潮 股海翻騰
萬般拉抬 只為出貨
  安安靜靜 一步一步地 

In the sea of capital, many victims are flushed to oblivion under the tide of billions of money.
Tycoons taper their input silently and transform output to  another ocean ...


