2012年3月10日 星期六

Linsanity, Lincredible

最近林書豪(Jeremy Lin) 在 NBA 迅速竄紅,
讓我聯想到古龍小說裡的經典人物 - 阿飛
一個無名小卒(a nobody, a pawn?)  連敗諸多成名劍客(sword master)
成為頂尖高手 ...

Linsanity(林來瘋),  Lincredible ... 成為流行新詞彙

insane 是 sane的相反詞 , sane == making sense
insane == not making sense, crazy,  通常是負面的意思
Linsanity 可以做兩種拆解
Lin-sanity 與 L-insanity

Lin-sanity:  Lin is a clever  player observing, thinking and reacting to the dynamic situations.
L-insanity:  Lin is a passionate player affecting his teamates and the fans.


incredible 是 credible 的相反詞, credible== having credits
incredible == not having credits, beyond credits
另一個credible的相反詞 uncredible 也許就純是負面的意思?

Lin's incredible performance comes from the credible, scientific and hard training.

//=== 負面與假負面的形容詞
負面: worthless, valueless
假負面: invalueable, priceless

out of the question == impossible
out of question ( 早期指beyond question,
但近年已與out of the question混用,

beyond question == no need to quesion == no doubt = doubtless

http://som.twbbs.org/klee/notebook/note84.htm (雙關語的英文)