2011年11月15日 星期二

showdown and dog run

google finance news 列出了數則關於 Obama 推動的美國健保法的新聞
發現兩個關鍵詞 : showdown 與 dog run(dog-run)

"Supreme Court: Pre-election health care showdown"
"Obama health law case could dog run"

showdown 攤牌/亮出底牌決勝負
(從撲克牌遊戲來的辭彙, 指最後時刻 將覆蓋的底牌(down cards)掀開(show off) 決勝敗)

dog run : "a fenced off area where dog can get exercise and be kept confined"
指圍籬圈起來 讓狗狗運動的區域 ...
那 "Obama health law case could dog run" 到底何意?


2011年11月9日 星期三

黑色星期五與Black Friday

當看到 Black Friday 時 直接聯想到13號星期五 還有股市大跌的星期五,
不過看了 http://www.dailyfinance.com/2011/11/04/unemployed-and-eager-to-shop-on-black-friday-for-you/ 的上下文之後 發現應該另有所指.
google 搜尋發現 Black Friday 指的是感恩節的隔天

Laurice Black, a striving single mother, posted ad on Craigslist to promote her shopping services hoping to gain more customers in the coming Black Friday and Christmas shopping season.

那 Craigslist 是什麼呢? 跟 Cray computer 沒關係

摘錄自 http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/craigslist :
Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified advertisements – with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services,

簡單來說 Craigslist 就是一個可以免費貼廣告的網站?
其中關於 Personals 的廣告已變成尋找約會/艷遇/性/... 的線上管道
