2011年10月21日 星期五

rooster, rookie, root

rooster : 公雞 === cock
cockerel : 未滿一歲的小公雞

//=== rookie :
菜鳥, 初入行者, 剛入伍者?
第一年打NBA/MLB/NFL/... 的球員
This year, NBA rookies are unlucky.
Because of the lockout, they have no game to play
and no salary ?

The first overall pick/ The first pick overall (選秀狀元)

root : 根

Where there is root, there is leaf.
Root and leaf rely on each other
just like light and dark.
火 影


2011年10月14日 星期五


RIP : Rest In Peace
RIP : Routing Information Protocol

(n) 巨浪, 裂痕
(v) 撕開, 切開


2011年10月13日 星期四

Reverse split

A reverse stock split is also called a stock merge
A reverse split is the opposite of a stock split.

stock split 就是把股票分割, 例如一百股變兩百股, 股價就會減半;
reverse split 就是相反, 兩百股變一百股, 股價變兩倍.

Reverse stock split 可能是為了提高股價, 有些雞蛋/水餃股(penny stock)
為了讓股價回升 會採此方法; 也有可能為了集中籌碼 將一些零股(?)洗出來 ...


2011年10月6日 星期四

Obituary for Steve Jobs on Apple.com

[ http://www.apple.com/stevejobs/ ]

Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being.
Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend
and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built,
and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

//=== 拙譯

有幸與Steve共事相識者 同悲摯友明師之逝

哲人遠行 留下非他不成的頻果傳奇
精神長存 永為頻果基石

2011年10月2日 星期日

Koala, Kangaroo

Koala : /ko 'al./ 無尾熊
Kangaroo : /kaen g. r'oo/ 袋鼠
Australia: />s tr'ae lia/

Koala與kangaroo 兩者的重音都不在第一音節, 跟 Australia 一樣

Koala and kangaroo are famous animals from Australia.
Neither koala nor kangaroo has accent/stress on the first syllable.

Kiwi is a famous fruit from New Zealand.