2010年12月21日 星期二

DADT ("don't ask, don't tell" ) repeal

"don't ask, don't tell" -- 最近在NPR常聽到的一個名詞

... is the term commonly used for the policy restricting the United States military from efforts to discover or reveal closeted homosexual or bisexual servicemembers or applicants,
while barring those who are openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual from military service.

The restrictions are mandated by federal law Pub.L. 103-160 (10 U.S.C. § 654). ...
大意是說美國聯邦法律 明文限定了美國軍方不可以設法發覺或洩漏
服役與應徵人員的私密同性戀或雙性戀 性向;

這幾天新聞一直報導的原因是 美國國會眾議院與參議院都已通過廢止該項規定
(The House and the Senate both approve the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" policy.)

//=== repeal and appeal

  • An urgent appeal from Wikipedia founder ...
  • The repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" had stalled because of Senate Republicans' block
    but passed finally on 2010.12.18.

//=== 最近台灣新聞非常熱門的話題 校園霸凌(campus bully)
桃園某國中校長 就因為處理不當 遭到許多老師連署要求卸除校長職務 ...

The principal adopts a "don't ask, don't tell" policy to ignore the campus bullying events,
which accumulate so overwhelmingly that the furious teachers who are frightened by unleashed students finally stand up together to "repeal" him.



2010年12月4日 星期六

sticky IED

最近聽NPR新聞 反覆聽到一個縮寫詞 IED ,

G一下的結果 :

IED: improvised explosive device (不是 improved 喔)
IED: Institute of Economic Development
IED: international design educational network
IED: Institution of Engineering Designers

跟中東有關的 應該是 improvised explosive device

IED 勉強可以翻作土製炸彈
improvise 有就地取材的意思
最早知道這個字 是因為"馬蓋先"

sticky IEDs :
"homemade bombs attached to powerful magnets and stuck to the bottom of cars."

透過強力磁鐵將土製炸彈吸附在車子上. (通常為了要刺殺政要/軍警 ...)
