2010年1月26日 星期二

pray and prey

You become a prey when you pray.

2010年1月23日 星期六


在網路上搜尋透天厝的英文 發現"丁丁飆英文"部落格 有篇文章
介紹關於房屋的一些英文詞彙 頗值得參考


  • townhouse ?
  • to-tein house !?





重視: attach importance to , put emphasis on, set much value on

Parents in china attach importance to their kids' examinations.

The company puts emphasis on its new product.

[ref] http://www.nciku.com.tw/search/zh/detail/%E9%87%8D%E8%A6%96/88006#zh

2010年1月17日 星期日

chai == 茶

drinking cups of chai and chatting with friends ...

crack, crack up, crack up to be

crack :
  • crack a book as snacks
  • The glass cracked. (broken partially but still connected?)
  • The cracked cake is crispy and tasty.
  • The poor programmer tried hard to crack a code to gain success, but failed.

crack up:
  • break down
  • burst out (laughing)

crack up to be:
The out-of-date actress is not the beauty she was cracked up to be anymore.


2010年1月16日 星期六

beat around the bush and the other way around

  • beat around/round the bush: 說話拐彎抹角 繞圈圈
    "HERE WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH" : a famous song

  • the other way around/round



What's on your mind?

What's on your mind?
on your mind or in your mind?

on your soul or in your soul?

furor, furious, furore

furor == fever
furor == rage == strong anger
furor == passion


Another two words having accent in the first syllable learned in the Taipei101 EnglishStudyGroup:
  • caricature
  • ignorance

2010年1月12日 星期二


從 "廚房裡的人類學家" 學到這個字
原意是辛辣的香料 或把柑橘類的果皮刨絲 讓香味散發出來

love is a zest for life, so is the loss of love?

zest: vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment[WordNet]

acrophobia and Arachnephobia


acrophobia : 懼高症

Arachnephobia == Arachnophobia? : spider phobia

dub and a million air-heart


The press dubbed her "Queen of the air". == The press called her "Queen of the air". ==
She was dubbed "Queen of the air" by the press.

Who's she?
A million air-heart?

oh, no, she is Amelia Earhart.

dub 還可以指電影後製的音效工作或配音

2010年1月11日 星期一

purchase 的重音

purchase /p3r tch.s/的重音在第一音節

research , pedicure 也是

purchase = purse chase = 追逐著錢包

oral care , pedicare, and medicare

oral care: 口腔保健
pedicare?: 足部保健
pedicure : 足部治療/護理 , 足部美容 修剪腳趾甲

medicare: 醫療保險 老人健康保險?

口頭上的關心: oral care?

2010年1月4日 星期一

Law school and law institute

拿個 Bachelor degree in Law
The Bachelor of Laws ( LLB?) is a bachelor degree in law.
"LL.B." stands for Legum Baccalaureus in Latin?
-> J.D.

Yale Law School
Cornell Law School
Harvard Law School

//=== After googling "Law Institute" , i found that
Law Institute is not meant to be the graduate school of Law.


Izzie and Elizabeth


Izzie/Lizzie is a nickname derived from Elizabeth.
