2009年9月30日 星期三

電阻 電容 電感: -ance

resistance, conductance: conductance = 1/resistance for "pure resistor"(passive load).
capacitance, inductance
capacitor, inductor
capacitive, inductive

impedance = resistance + j*reactance
Z= R + jX
阻抗= 電阻 + 電抗

admittance= conductance + j*susceptance
Y= G + jB
導納= 電導 + 電納

"The phase of the complex impedance is the phase shift by which the current is ahead of the voltage."


2009年9月7日 星期一

steal , stolen 的用法

I was stolen NT$100 by a thief.

A thief stole NT$100 from me. --> steal sth from sb.

A robber robbed me of NT$100. --> rob sb of sth

我家被偷了 該怎麼講呢?
xxx My house was stolen xxx --> it's impossibe to steal a house
A thief ran into my house yesterday and stole NT$500.
A theft happened to my house yesterday???

steal a base : 盜壘


在捷運月台上學到這個單字 alight : 下車

  • 着火, A cigarette set the forest alight.
  • 容光煥發
  • 鳥或昆蟲 降落/飛落
  • 從公共汽車/火車下來,
    • Do not alight from a moving bus.
    • Aboard after alight(先下後上)

2009年9月3日 星期四



flubdub : pretentious nonsense; bunkum

bunkum: empty talk, insincere talk
空話 河漢空言 托辭 應付 隨口說說
bunkum == claptrap

pretentious : making an extravagant show; ostentatious; showy
誇張的 浮誇的 表面的 ; 想惹人注目的